#better me#
7488 人參與
chưa biết kết quả là gì như cố gắng mỗi ngày thì sẽ có nhiều hy vọng hơn #better me# #xinđộnglực#better me#trạmcứuhộtráitim#better me#ngoanxinhyêu#
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𝐋𝐞𝐞𝐀𝐧𝐡: Oke cưng
🎂🥳 A year wiser
The month filled with joy and happiness. Another year wiser, may everything goes smoothly as it is.
#happy birthday to Me#
#better me#
休息天 不用工作 就跟朋友出門玩
睡醒開心的心情 開啟一整天~🥸🤍 #love is love# #better me#love is love#selfie#love is love#帅T#better me#beyourself#
What’s a surprise!
Whatever happened
I don’t care about anyone
You guys are really so funny
Just admit that cream school
And learning English might be good for your future
Don’t spread the rumors
That will make you guys like a joke
趕快用翻譯吧 以免看不懂囉
#better me#